Customs & Duty
Your order will be shipped from our Bindi World base in the UK. When a package is delivered internationally (anywhere outside of the UK), it may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and/or fees imposed (e.g. handling fees) by the destination country. These charges are usually due before or upon delivery in the destination country.
The buyer is responsible for paying the additional costs such as duties, taxes, and customs clearance fees. These charges can vary widely as they are based on various factors including and not limited to: order value, package weight, quantities and origin country.
Since these charges are not applied by Bindi World and are based on various factors, we are unable to foresee the fee, if any, that may be charged to you.
Due to this, we highly recommend that you check whether local tax or duties may be applied to your order before making any purchases from The table below may give you a rough guide on whether your order will incur and local tax or duties. Please be mindful, although we try our best to keep this information as accurate as possible, it is liable to change at any time.
We are sorry we cannot provide a more accurate charge for you. However, for a more specific breakdown of what charge, if any, you may incur, we recommend you contact your local customs office, before making any purchases from
How do I pay customs fees?
If your package is subject to customs fees, your package may be held at your local customs office. You should contact your local customs office to find out your next steps as you may need to pay additional charges before your package is released from customs and sent to the delivery address stated on your order.
Import Tax and Custom Fees
We try our best to keep this information as accurate as possible, but this information is liable to change at any time.